Commitment to Deep Collaboration
Deep collaboration is the commitment that allows TRAILS supported organizations to do more together than alone. It is a deliberate attempt to work more effectively and efficiently at a larger scale. It is the purposeful sharing of expertise, systems, staff, resources, and collections.
TRAILS supported organizations have deliberately worked together on shared library software since 2016. Collaborations now extend beyond library systems to information literacy, resource sharing, and subscriptions, to name a few.
Deep Collaboration is:
Mission-aligned, strategic, and goal-based.
Reciprocal and requires a common need, trust, and respect.
Grounded in “good citizenship” with extensive input and buy-in from a variety of stakeholders at every supported organization at every level.
Coded in contractual and policy agreements between TRAILS and each supported organization.
Provides library staff with opportunities to try and learn new things and to have responsibility on a larger stage.
Built on strengths, shared efficiency, and reduced borders to eliminate duplication, address knowledge and service gaps, and develop expertise to meet current and future campus needs.
Local administrative and staff input and buy-in on this method of extending capacity and services through communicating the value, structure, and support of the deep collaboration.
Deep Collaboration happens:
Through the leadership of the TRAILS General Council, which regularly assesses deep collaboration initiatives for ongoing growth and change.
At all levels of responsibility, TRAILS-wide as well as library-to-library, and in partnership with people and organizations.
When a collaborative library director encourages and expects collaboration with mutual respect from all librarians and staff in their organization.
When collaborative partners provide support, advocacy, and direction for each other.
Through systematic communication, such as onboarding new participants and providing toolkits to engage stakeholders or respond to crises.
By reducing duplication of effort, this deeper level of collaboration can allow TRAILS supported organization staff to focus, explore, and innovate to more effectively address needs and provide better service to their communities. Deep collaboration contributes to fiscal responsibility, educational affordability and sustainability through collaborative investments in expertise, services, and resources. Deep collaboration provides library staff with opportunities to grow as well as to build and enhance leadership skills. It provides staff wellness benefits such as moral support, confidence, and a community of practice.
Adapted from the PALNI Commitment to Deep Collaboration
Adopted by the TRAILS General Council on May 22, 2024